What Does an Email Copywriter Do?

The Ultimate Guide to Inbox Artistry

Ah, the humble email.

It's a tool so commonplace, you might think it's as exciting as watching paint dry.

But hold on, I'm about to spill some tea.

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to read a boring old email again. Well, guess what?

There's a job for that, and it's called email copywriting.

Surprised? Then stick around, there's plenty more where that came from.

What is Email Copywriting?

If you're picturing a scribe chained to a desk, frantically copying emails by hand, I hate to break it to you, but you're a few centuries off.

Email copywriting is the art of crafting compelling emails that drive action but before I delve into what an email copywriter does, let's start with defining email copywriting.

Don't yawn or roll your eyes. It's not as boring as it sounds.

Email copywriting, simply put, is the art of crafting compelling emails that trigger action.

It's like sending out a digital siren's song, wooing subscribers to open, read, and take action, and by action, I mean the really good stuff—click links, make purchases, or perhaps sign up for more emails (because who doesn't want more emails, right?).

But wait. Don't mistake email copywriting for your everyday, run-of-the-mill emails. No, it's not about writing to your Aunt Patty to thank her for the itchy Christmas sweater, and it's certainly not for spamming folks with information they didn't ask for.

We're talking about strategic and engaging emails that drive conversions and build brand loyalty. In short, it's the magic potion that transforms an ordinary email into a revenue-generating machine.

How Does Email Copywriting Work?

Now, you might be thinking, "What's the big deal? I write emails all the time!"

Well listen up, because email copywriting is more than just typing words and hitting send. It's about understanding your audience, knowing what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to create a message they can't resist.

To write a compelling email, you need to consider your audience's needs, wants, and pain points. You need to use language that resonates with them, and offer them something they value. It's about striking a balance between information and persuasion, being clear and concise, and making sure your call to action is as irresistible as a slice of cheesecake.

And just when you thought it couldn't get more complicated, there's also the technical side of things.

It's a mix of psychology, creativity, technical might, and a great understanding of your audience.

Just as a novelist might write a gripping story or a comedian might write a hilarious joke, an email copywriter writes an engaging email. The goal is to make the reader feel something—curiosity, excitement, and yes probably FOMO—and then channel that feeling into actioning their itchy clicky finger.

Think of it as the email equivalent of Jedi mind tricks.

An email copywriter uses persuasive language, clever subject lines, and a deep understanding of their audience's needs and wants to compel readers to click that link or buy that product. It's all about creating a connection and nurturing a relationship.

Sure, it's not as romantic as a dinner for two, but it can be just as intense!

Is Email Copywriting Profitable?

You bet your sweet bippity it is.

With the amount of emails being sent each day (we're talking billions, folks), there's a huge demand for skilled email copywriters.

Whether it's for businesses looking to engage their customers, non-profits trying to rally their supporters, or e-commerce sites hoping to boost sales, there's a world of opportunity out there.

And here's the kicker: because it's a specialised skill, it can command a pretty penny.

Many businesses are willing to invest in a quality email copywriter because they understand the value they bring.

Despite what the social media hype would have you believe, email marketing is not dead. In fact, it's thriving like a mushroom after a thunderstorm.

So, if you're good at writing and have a knack for persuasion, email copywriting can be your golden goose. But, as Uncle Ben said to Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility."

Just remember to use your email writing super powers for good—not evil!

How to Learn Email Copywriting?

Alright, so you're convinced…

Email copywriting sounds like a pretty sweet gig.
Now, how do you learn this mystical skill?

Well, as with any profession, it requires a mix of study, practice, and a dash of natural talent. There are plenty of online courses, webinars, and workshops out there that can teach you the fundamentals of email copywriting.

You might want to learn about marketing principles, consumer psychology, and of course, how to write like a boss.

The good news? There's no one-size-fits-all approach. You don't need a degree in English or a background in marketing to get started. In fact, some of the best email copywriters are self-taught.

So, grab your laptop, dig into those online resources, and start flexing those writing muscles. And remember, practice makes perfect.

Or at least, a lot better.

How to Start Email Copywriting?

Ok, so you’re ready to start email copywriting? Here’s how.

You might hesitate at first, but once you're in, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

First off, build a portfolio. (I can almost hear you groan from here—but hey, it works)

This could be sample emails you've written for hypothetical companies or real-life work you've done for small gigs. The key here is to showcase your talent and versatility. Remember, variety is the spice of life, and in this case, your portfolio.

Next, start networking. Yes, it's that dreaded word that makes most of us cringe.

But in the world of email copywriting, it's all about who you know. Reach out to local businesses, join online communities, and make your presence known on social media.

You might be surprised how many opportunities come from a simple "Hello."

Lastly, don't be afraid to start small. You might not land a gig with Apple or Amazon right off the bat, but that's okay. Every gig, no matter how small, is a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

So keep your chin up, your spirits high, find some clients, and get your fingers typing!

How Much to Charge for Email Copywriting?

Finally, let's talk about money. (quiet sigh)

How much can you, an up-and-coming email copywriter, charge for your services?

Like most things in life, it depends.

Rates can vary wildly based on your experience, the complexity of the project, and the client's budget.

Some copywriters charge by the hour, others by the project, and some even charge per word.

To give you a ballpark figure, beginners might charge anywhere from $20 to $50 per hour. As you gain experience and build a reputation, you could charge $100, $200, or even more per hour.

You might not even charge per hour, and instead charge per email!

Remember, your rate is not just for the time it takes to type words on a screen. You're also charging for your creativity, your expertise, and your ability to turn an ordinary email into a conversion-driving powerhouse.

Just don't sell yourself short.

Is Email Copywriting the Right Fit for You?

Now that you're well-versed in the world of email copywriting, you might be wondering if this is the right path for you. And I'm here to say, why not?

If you've got a way with words and a knack for persuasion, you're already well ahead of the game.

Email copywriting is all about using language to connect, engage, and motivate. So, if you're the type who can sell ice to an eskimo, or convince your friends that your karaoke version of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is Grammy-worthy, then you're off to a great start.

If you're the sort who thrives on variety and loves a good challenge, then email copywriting will be right up your alley.

Every client, every project, every email is a new opportunity to flex your creative muscles and make magic happen.

If the idea of working from anywhere, setting your own rates, and deciding your own hours gives you a rush of adrenaline, then welcome to the world of email copywriting!

It's a gig that offers flexibility, independence, and the chance to be your own boss.
Talk about a win-win-win!

So, to wrap it all up with a neat little bow, an email copywriter is a magician with words, a Jedi Master of persuasion, and a guru of marketing.

It's a role that's in demand, profitable, and with the right attitude, a whole barrel of laughs. So, why not take the plunge? You might just find that it's the best decision you've ever made.

And if not, well, at least you'll have some killer email skills to boast about at your next dinner party… er… right?

Tim King

Tim is a Creative Copywriter & Content Strategist from Victoria, Australia.

He's been designing and developing digital content online for over a decade working with artists, entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate clients to help them cut through the noise and build kick-ass content with bite.

Digging into the big topics that shape our world, Tim applies his own brand of thought along the way.


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